Nanda Aprila Sinta, S.Pd, M.Sc.

PhD Candidate National Central University Scholarship Awardee National Central University - Taiwan

“Alhamdulillah, the best gratitude after I graduated from English Education UMSIDA. My first home and an unforgettable journey up and grow here. English Education gives me not only academic experience but also life skills in practical ways. The best environment is built with warmth and joy here because of the comfortable facilities and resources aligned with the warm guidance of lecturers.

I believe my milestone journey ahead because of the best experience here.”


Irham Salsabila Alfarisi, S.Pd.

Founder Gazi Translation

“When I was at PBI UMSIDA, I discovered a deep alignment between my interests and the opportunities offered by this department. The defining moment came when a lecturer entrusted me with a proofreading project that left a lasting impression and ignited my passion for translation and proofreading. This experience became a trigger that drove me to seek additional opportunities in these fields actively. PBI UMSIDA has been invaluable in shaping my career path and fostering a sense of professional growth.”

Dwi Yulia Nungsih, S.Pd.


“Selama saya menjadi mahasiswa UMSIDA, saya mendapatkan ilmu yang sangat berharga serta pengalaman yang baru.  Dosen yang memiliki dedikasi tinggi dan berkualitas. Kini saya bisa mengamalkan ilmu ke peserta didik. Tujuan untuk mencetak generasi milenial yang sopan santun, cerdas, bijaksana dan rendah hati. Saya bangga menjadi ALUMNI UMSIDA”

M. Zuhri Fakhruddin, S.Pd.

Founder PT. Zindagi Translation and Publishing

“UMSIDA is like my second home, I feel so comfortable learning new things here surrounded by the most capable human resources who are always eager to collaborate in shaping my future. It is indeed a rendezvous of knowledge and enlightenment that has succeeded in inspiring me to pursue my dream. Working now in the field of translation and language learning, I believe that my thriving success has a big portion of UMSIDA’s footprint and it must also inspire other students. God bless UMSIDA!”

Mauliya Avivi, S. Pd.

English teacher in SD Muhammadiyah Bangil & Layout Editor JEES Umsida

“Saya bersyukur pernah mengenyam studi di UMSIDA. Dosen dan para pengajarnya ikhlas, berkualitas, sehingga berkahnya saya rasakan hingga kini. Semoga amal ibadah semua guru-guru saya menjadi pahala jariyah. Bangga UMSIDA”

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